Child Protection Officer Contact Details:
James Kennedy
Mobile: 526-2743
In the event of any concerns relating to child protection, the Child Protection Officer should be contacted immediately. All information is handled in strictest confidence and independently by the Child Protection Officer.
(point of contact in the event that James is not available):
Laura Willighan
Mobile: 924-5683
The Cayman Red Cross has set up a multi-agency grassroots movement to establish minimum standards for all youth serving organisations in Cayman Islands;
The Seal of Protection is issued by the Red Cross as recognition that the organisation that carries it takes child protection seriously and has taken the necessary steps to comply with basic standards for child protection and safety
Steps to Seal of Protection
1. Lunch and Learn: 1 hour lunch awareness session.
2. Darkness to Light Training Programme: 2.5 hour session helps empower organisations with information about the issue and what to do should they find themselves in a situation where they suspect abuse or abuse has been disclosed to them by a child.
3. Child Protection policy development workshop: 2 day workshop utilising the Child Protection Unit methodology developed by Committee for Children. It is a hands on workshop where members of the working group are on hand to provide one-on-one support to all organisations present.
On completion of the above three steps, the Cayman Red Cross will issue the Seal of Protection to the Club and our Coaches.
All of our Kids Gaelic Club Committee Members and Coaches will be attending this training over the coming season and developing a Child Protection Policy specific to the Cayman Islands Kids Gaelic Football Club.
The Cayman Islands Gaelic Football Club is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible Environment for all young people who wish to participate in our Gaelic Games and activities. We shall take all practicable steps to protect them from discernible forms of abuse, from harm, discrimination or degrading treatment and shall respect their rights, wishes and feelings.
We do this by;
• Recognising that all children have the right to be protected from harm.
• Ensuring that all our coaches and volunteers are carefully recruited and selected and that they
accept responsibility for ensuring the wellbeing of children in their care.
• Responding swiftly and appropriately to protect the welfare of children who participate in our games and related activities.
• Providing parents and children with the opportunity to voice any concerns they may have.
• Ensuring that members, coaches, team mentors, administrators, parents/guardians and spectators sign up to and adhere to our Code of Behavior.
YOUNG PLAYERS should be entitled to:
• Be safe and feel safe.
• Have fun and experience a sense of enjoyment and fulfilment.
• Be treated with respect, dignity and sensitivity.
• Comment and make suggestions in a constructive manner.
• Be afforded appropriate confidentiality.
• Participate in games and competitions at a level at which they feel comfortable.
• Be listened to.
• Make their concerns known and have them dealt with in an appropriate manner.
• Be protected from abuse.
YOUNG PLAYERS should always:
• Play fairly, do their best and enjoy themselves.
• Respect fellow team members regardless of ability, ethnic origin, cultural background or religion.
• Support fellow team members whether they do well or not so well.
• Represent their team, their club and their family with pride and dignity.
• Respect all coaches, mentors, officials and their opponents.
• Be gracious in defeat and modest in victory.
• Shake hands before and after the game irrespective of the result.
• Inform their coach/mentor/manager when they are unavailable for training and games.
• Talk to the Club Children’s Officer with any concerns or questions they may have.
• Adhere to acceptable standards of behaviour and their Club’s Code of Discipline.
• Tell somebody else if they or others have been harmed in any way.
• Take due care of club equipment.
YOUNG PLAYERS should not:
• Cheat – always play by the rules.
• Shout at or argue with an official, team mates or opponents or use violence.
• Use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage or isolate other players.
• Spread rumours.
• Tell lies about adults or other young people.
• Play or train if they feel unwell or are injured.
• Use unacceptable language or racial and/or sectarian references.
Maintaining a child centred approach:
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat each one equally regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnic origin, cultural background or religion.
• Be positive during coaching sessions, games and other activities so that participants always leave with a sense of achievement and an increased level of self-esteem.
• Recognise the development needs and capacity of all young players, regardless of their ability, by emphasising participation for all while avoiding excessive training and competition. Skills development and personal satisfaction should have priority over competition.
• Develop an understanding of relevant coaching methods and ensure that you have the appropriate level of coaching accreditation.
• Don’t equate losing with failure and do not develop a preoccupation with medals and trophies. The level of improvement made by young players is the best indicator of effective coaching.
Coaches should lead by example:
• Avoid smoking while working with young players.
• Do not consume alcohol or non-prescribed drugs immediately prior to or while young players are in your care.
• Never use foul language or provocative language/gestures to a player, opponent or match official.
• Only enter the field of play with the referee’s permission and do not question a referee’s decisions or integrity.
• Encourage players to respect and accept the judgement of match officials.
• Promote Fair Play.
• Encourage parents to become involved in our activities wherever possible.
Conduct of Coaches when working with young people
• Don’t shout at or lecture players or reprimand/ridicule them when they make a mistake. Children learn best through trial and error. Children and Young people should not be afraid to risk error so as to learn.
• Never use any form of corporal punishment or physical force.
• Avoid incidents of horse play or telling jokes etc that could be misinterpreted.
• Ensure that all physical contact is appropriate and has the permission or understanding of the young person.
• Never undertake any form of therapy – hypnosis etc, in the training of children.
• Develop an appropriate working relationship with children based on mutual trust and respect.
• Challenge bullying in any form whether physical or emotional. Bullying is not acceptable behaviour be it from a young person, mentor, parent or guardian.
Avoid compromising your role as a Coach
• Avoid a situation where you are alone in a car or dressing room with a player.
• Avoid taking coaching sessions on your own.
Avoid spending excessive amounts of time alone with a player or away from others.
• Avoid taking young players to your home.
Best practice
• Ensure that all players are suitably and safely attired to play their chosen sport.
• Keep a record of attendance at training and at games by both players and coaches.
• Be punctual and properly attired.
• Rotate the team captaincy and the method used for selecting teams so that the same children are
not always selected to the exclusion of others.
• Set realistic - stretching but achievable -performance goals.
• Encourage parents/guardians to play an active role in organising and assisting various activities for your teams and your club.
• Use mobile phones, if deemed appropriate, only via a group texts system for communicating with
the parents/guardians of players and receive such permission at the commencement of each
• Do not communicate individually by text with under age players.
• Keep a record of each injury and action taken.
Ensure that another official referee/team mentor is present when a player is being attended to and
can corroborate the relevant details.
• Ensure that all dressing rooms and the general areas that are occupied by your players and other club personnel, prior to, during or immediately following the completion of any match are kept clean and are not damaged in any way.
• If it is necessary to transport a child/young person in your car, ensure that they are seated in a rear seat with seat belts securely fastened.
• Make adequate provision for First Aid services.
• Do not encourage or permit players to play while injured.