Cayman Islands GAA

Cayman Islands Gaelic Club

The Cayman Islands Gaelic Football Club is running two Gaelic Football coaching courses aimed at sports coaches, teachers, parents, volunteers or anyone interested in learning Gaelic Football coaching skills.  Everyone is welcome and the courses are FREE OF CHARGE.

Click here to register.

The FOUNDATION LEVEL course is the introductory course and consists of two modules: 
(1) Three hours pre-course work (online); 
(2) practical Tuesday 18th April 6pm to 9pm. 

Participants do not need prior knowledge or experience of Gaelic Football to take the course.

The AWARD 1 Coach Education course is the second award on the coaching pathway of Gaelic Games. The course is aimed at coaches that have progressed through the Foundation Award and have experience as a coach.  

The course will consist of four modules: 
(1) pre-course reading; 
(2) practical Wed 19th April 6pm to 8pm; 
(3) classroom Thurs 20th April 6pm to 9pm; 
(4) practical Fri 21st April 8.30am to 12.30pm.  

Participants must have completed the Foundation Level course in order to take the Award 1 Course.

Both courses will take place at Cayman International School, Camana Bay.

Colm Egan, full-time Gaelic Games development officer from the North American GAA, has kindly offered his time to deliver the courses here in Cayman. 

Registration closes Wednesday 12th April.

Register by clicking here